“The Trajectory of Fate”
In the gripping sequel to “The Fall of the Drjeen,” [Sarah Cathey] invites readers back into the tumultuous world of Jeen in “The Trajectory of Fate.” At the center of this thrilling narrative is Agalett, the Future King of the Eastern Kingdom, whose life is thrown into turmoil following the loss of his mother and the revelation of shocking secrets.
As Agalett grapples with grief and uncertainty, troubles come knocking on his door with every turn of the moon. With no one to rely on but his deceased mother’s most trusted confidants, Agalett finds himself thrust into a world of intrigue and betrayal. As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, Agalett’s life is forever changed.
“The Trajectory of Fate” explores the themes of secrets and betrayals with masterful storytelling, inviting readers to ponder the complexities of trust and the consequences of uncovering long-buried truths. Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery alongside Agalett, and unravel the mysteries that lie at the heart of his kingdom.